The 10 Best Universities In Spain [New Ranking]

Need to know the best universities in Spain? There are many interested in obtaining admission in one of the best universities in Spain, so it is worth knowing the characteristics of each school, taking into account its location as well as the services it provides and analyzing its academic proposal in order to select the most appropriate according to personal interests and possibilities.

Great men and women of science, arts and law have passed through the classrooms of the most outstanding universities.

The 10 Best Universities In Spain

Without taking much time with lengthy introduction let us reveal to you the top 10 best Spain universities.

Top 10 Best Universities In Spain

1. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

In English the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) is one of the best positioned Spanish study centers on an international scale. It is a prestigious institution that began to take shape at the beginning of June 1968 and had, in its initial stage, four faculties: Economic Sciences, Sciences, Medicine and Letters.

In 1971, it added the faculties of Law and Information Sciences, expanding a little later with the University School of Business Studies and the University School of Translators and Interpreters. the campus of Bellaterra, meanwhile, joined seasons later.

Currently, the UAB offers multiple programs to foreign students who wish to complete a course or spend a semester in Barcelona, ​​offering postgraduate degrees, master’s degrees and specialization training, and encouraging deepening of knowledge through doctorates. The students of this entity, in addition, can manage scholarships to carry out internships both within the European territory and outside it and thus achieve enriching experiences for the professional path of each scholarship holder.

2. Complutense University of Madrid

Universidad Complutense de Madrid encourages and supports its students with scholarships and financial aid, in addition to providing them with services and facilities that make their study experience at this institution easier and more enjoyable, offering sports motivation and a well-equipped library, among other benefits.

The titles obtained in it are official and valid throughout Spain, thus accumulating graduates that fill the UCM authorities with pride and are a symbol of the educational quality provided in the faculties of Geological SciencesFine ArtsCommerce and TourismGeography and HistoryMedicineSocial Work and Veterinary Medicine, to name a few.

Recently, from the official website of this entity it has been reported that its own researchers have developed a technique that would benefit the diagnosis of acute leukemia, in addition to communicating the joint efforts of professors and students aimed at offering practical and academic solutions that contribute to go through in the best possible way the health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and to try to alleviate the serious consequences of COVID-19.

3. Autonomous University of Madrid

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) is an institution with an excellent global reputation, included among the best university in the world. In addition to modernizing and prioritizing educational quality, it implements beneficial policies for the planet, achieving a sustainable campus in environmental matters.

An effective employment forum that gives students high chances of job placement; own research spaces; a Center for Entrepreneurial Initiatives; international exchange programs; Cycles of cultural activities and their promotion of both internal and inter-university sports competitions, being framed in the High-Level Athletes plan financed by the Higher Sports Council, are part of the reasons that encourage thousands of people to enroll in the Autonomous University of Madrid, where summer courses are also offered

Its website is very complete: in addition to detailed information on its wide academic offer, it offers details to resolve the most frequent doubts of those who are looking for a prestigious Spanish university.

4. University of Barcelona

The University of Barcelona (UB), whose website is available in multiple languages, is the most important public university institution in Catalonia. Due to the excellence demonstrated in terms of research and the programs that encourage knowledge, it is a reference environment both inside and outside of Spain.

Almost twenty libraries, more than 662 thousand square meters built for teaching, sixteen faculties, nine affiliated centers, seven university master’s degrees, at least sixty university extension plans and fifteen own research institutes backed by the vocation of a large A team made up of at least 5,600 researchers and professors help position this university as one of the best universities in Spain.

The university community of this respected entity usually receives a large number of awards for its excellent performance, thus demonstrating the quality of this establishment. The Catalan Society of Biology, for example, awarded in 2019 to Rubén Cereijo, who works in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedicine belonging to the Faculty of Biology, while Javier Martín Vite, professor of Physical Geography, won the Crítica Award that same year Serra d’Or.

5. University of Granada

Almost five centuries of history make the University of Granada (UGR) one of the most traditional study centers in Spain. Its creation was promoted by Carlos I of Spain in 1526 and approved five years later by Pope Clement VII.

With four campuses (CentroCartujaAynadamar, and Fuentenueva), several historic buildings in different neighborhoods of Granada, and centers in Ceuta and Melilla, the UGR has some eighty thousand undergraduate, postgraduate, and complementary education students. Through international mobility programs, meanwhile, it receives a large number of students from other countries.

Translation and InterpretationMathematics and Computer Engineering are some of the degrees where this university – which has twenty-two faculties – obtains greater recognition. Federico García LorcaJorge GuillénLuis García Montero and Joaquín Sabina are among the personalities who were trained in this institution.

It should be noted that, according to a report that the Andalusian Government presented in April 2020, the UGR is the Andalusian university that is best positioned in international rankings.

6. University of Valencia

Three campuses distributed throughout the city of Valencia and its metropolitan area, which are connected to each other by the public transport network, constitute the heart of the University of Valencia. The university also has another campus in Ontinyent (Onteniente) and a headquarters in Gandia.

Seventeen faculties, a Higher Technical School and multiple research centers make up the main structure of this institution whose origins go back half a millennium. José de CalasanzPío Baroja and Santiago Posteguillo passed through its classrooms, for example.

One of the strengths of the University of Valencia is the field of research, development and research (R+D+i). In this framework, its Science Park stands out, which aims to strengthen the relationship between the university and scientific knowledge and the productive apparatus.

Almost sixty degrees and fourteen double degrees are part of the academic offer of the University of Valencia, which also includes numerous doctorates and official master’s degrees.

7. Sevilla University

Five centuries promoting knowledge” is the motto of the University of Seville, which was founded in 1505. An educational offer that exceeds eighty degrees and one hundred and fifty master’s degrees, with more than 70,000 students, accounts for its importance.

More than twenty-five faculties and schools, nearly sixty buildings, 80,000 square meters of sports facilities and several campuses allow each member of the educational community to have the space and services they need to develop. The institution, on the other hand, houses more than five thousand pieces in its artistic and cultural collection, with a permanent exhibition in the Royal Tobacco Factory (the historic building where its rectory works).

The contributions of the University of Seville to the progress and production of knowledge are reflected in the generation of patents. The data released by the entity itself indicate that, in this area, it ranks second in Spain.

8. Universitat Politècnica de València

The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), or Universitat Politècnica de València according to its official name, does not have a great history behind it, but it has done enough to position itself among the best universities in Spain.

This public institution was created in 1968 and its educational community is now close to 40,000 members, with some 34,000 students and 3,600 researchers and teachers. Its activity is spread over three campuses (ValenciaGandia and Alcoy).

The UPV has two faculties, two higher polytechnic schools, nine higher technical schools and one doctoral school. Its academic offer includes master’s degrees, double degrees, degrees and different types of courses. His research work, on the other hand, has been reflected in recent years in advances linked to smart drugs, optical chips and nanophotonic metamaterials, for example.

It is interesting to point out that, among the personalities recognized by the UPV with honorary doctorates thanks to their contributions to different disciplines, are the chef Ferrán Adrià, the writer José Saramago, the opera singer Montserrat Caballé and the architect Santiago Calatrava.

9. Oviedo University

The University of Oviedo (UO) has seven campuses spread over three cities (Oviedo, Gijón and Mieres). His training is given in seventeen schools and faculties.

This infrastructure allows it to offer almost sixty degrees, sixty university master’s degrees and twenty-five doctoral programs. Some two thousand professors and researchers coexist in its classrooms and centers with 22,000 students.

The institution accounts for 80% of the research, development and research work (R+D+i) of the Principality of Asturias. Half a thousand agreements with companies for the development of research and transfer projects reflect its importance in this field, which generates 40 million euros a year for its scientific production.

Founded in 1608 , the University of Oviedo was attended by Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos , Leopoldo Alas Clarín , Víctor García de la Concha and Ángel González , among other exponents of Spanish culture and science . Today the UO, which has held the Campus of International Excellence seal since 2009, continues to attract students from different Spanish regions and abroad.

10. University Carlos III of Madrid

It was established in May 1989 with the intention of becoming an “innovative public university”. Today it already has more than 21,000 students and 20% of its student body is international.

Figures from the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) reveal that more than 81% of its graduates were able to have work experiences while studying. On the other hand, more than 93% of graduates found employment in the first year after graduation.

UC3M offers 45 undergraduate programs, 11 double degrees, 77 official master’s programs and 19 doctoral programs. The institution has four campuses, distributed in the municipalities of LeganésGetafe and Colmenarejo and the remaining one located in the center of the city of Madrid (Puerta de Toledo).

Its five libraries with more than 500,000 printed books and its facilities for practicing tennis, swimming, soccer and other sports are other highlights of UC3M, which ranks among the world’s leading young universities.

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