How To Improve Memory Retention: 6 Effective Tips

Why is Memory Retention Important? Memory retention is a basic necessity for us all as we’re always faced with the task to solve problems by generating possible solutions, contrast ideas and make decisions daily these lots rely majorly on working memory.

For students, long-term memory is crucial for academic excellence. however, the aim of education
isn’t just to get straight A’s but to learn a vital life skill. So whether you’re enrolled in online courses, college or independent you will find this technique effective.

How To Improve Memory Retention: 6 Effective Tips

Long-term memory simply refers to the storage of information over an extended period. Interestingly, It has nothing to do with long hours of studies. You can study less with great intensity and have better retainability.

For example, a student who spends 1-2 hours every day studying effectively retains what he learns longer than another who spends long hours without putting into consideration some important factors that would enable him have better results at recalling. You see that while one had studied hard, the other studied smart.

Your brain is like a bank where information is stored. Whenever something new is learnt, the brain either
stores it up long term depending on how it is being received or deliberately erases facts it feels it doesn’t need hence we forget them quickly. Before we proceed, we should know that we each have study methods unique to us.

However, you’re here because you find it hard keeping it long term. Recalling information can be quite burdensome but whether you’re a student or not, maximize this effective study tips to enhance your memory retention.

6 Effective Tips To Improve Your Memory Retention

1. Understand What You Study

Avoid cramming. What is bad about learning something you don’t understand is that, once you forget some part of it your brain disorganizes the facts and you cannot continue to process because you have only learnt the order of words and not understood the actual meaning.

The first step to improve your memory retention is by understanding what you’re studying. To do this you have to simplify, summarize and compress information. Better understanding equals better retention.

2. Categorize Each Study For Long-term Impact

There is no such thing as a terrible memory only an untrained one. categorization is the ability to give a
cognitive meaning by either a pictorial representation or a paired association to a lesson whether it’s been taught or read. We remember things that are illogical faster than the logical ones and think about them logically.

Once you can creatively picture information, you will remember them naturally. Because familiarity strongly affects the ability to recall information, the use of pictorial representation and paired associates stands as a great guide in memory retention. To do this you have to derive examples, relate it to your experiences and develop symbols that represent concepts.

3. Try To Read Aloud

Yes, this works too. When you speak and hear yourself speak at the same time it helps your brain store the information longer. To do this effectively you can try to switch to audiobooks. This engages your imagination and facilitates memory retention in a different way than silent reading.

4. Ensure Spaced Repetition After the first Study

To memorize something completely your only need to repeat the information just once immediately after
learning them. The second repetition should be 20mins later. Try to relax your brain or do something different then repeat the material the third time after 7-8 hrs and the final time after 24 hrs of learning them the first time. This technique works for short notice preparations and sticks to our memory longer.

5. Eat Right

Nutrition plays a vital role in brain function which is pretty much the powerhouse of your memory. If you
combine certain food, good hydration, proper sleep and exercise you’re at the doorstep to an improved
memory recall rate. Some food rich in fatty acids, vitamins, zinc, iron and some herbs, blueberry, glucose and insulin stimulate your brain to increase its activities and makes your memory sharper.

6. Exercise

This is essential for both your physical and mental well-being. A study in 2011 backs up the idea that exercise enhances memory retention. According to it, aerobic exercise that popup your heart rate helps the brain store long term memory. But if sweating in the gym isn’t exactly your thing, you can take a walk for 20-30 mins three times a week and still get the same result.

These are the top basic tips that ensure the enhanced functionality of your brain and keep your memory refreshed and revived always. Lastly, to stay at the top of your grades don’t just study hard, study smart.

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